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Ionic View doesn't show on chrome inspect

The problem

I'm trying to do some debugging on my ionic app and I have a Moto Maxx (international version of the Droid Turbo). Problem is, the device is detected, but my application is not listed on chrome://inspect, as you can see on the screenshot below.

Motorola error

P.S.: Other devices show my app just fine. And the problem also happened with other motorola devices.

What have I done so far

  • Enabled USB debugging. (And adb see the phone just fine).
  • The device is well connected, tested with other cables.
  • Discover USB devices is checked on chrome://inspect.
  • Tried to close and open the app before and after USB connection.

So, am I doing something wrong?


  • You should change to USB Mode to MTP or PTP(Linux) from Charge Only for it to work