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pylint: Class 'message' has no 'startswith' member

For some reason, pylint 1.6.4 (astroid 1.4.9) does not like this:

except Exception as ex:
    if ex.message.startswith(...):

It complains:

error (E1101, no-member, feed_sentiment) Class 'message' has no 'startswith' member

I find this surprising because:

>>> type(Exception("foo").message)
<type 'str'>
>>> Exception("foo").message.startswith
<built-in method startswith of str object at 0x10520d360>

I think this is a bug in pylint.

However, am I doing something wrong? What is the "pythonic" way here?

PS. Yes, I know that the right way is to define my own exception subclass, but I have no control over some_package.

PPS. Yes, I know I can annotate the code with pylint: disable=no-member.


  • The pythonic way would be to convert the ex to a str explicitly because that also converts the message to a string:

    except Exception as ex:
        if str(ex).startswith(...):  # or "if something in str(ex)":

    The problem with Exception.message is that it may not be a str:

    >>> try:
    ...     raise ValueError(1.2)
    ... except Exception as ex:
    ...     print ex
    ...     print type(ex.message)
    ...     print repr(str(ex))  # force it to be a string
    ...     print hasattr(ex.message, 'startswith')
    <type 'float'>

    It's good style and highly advisable that you use strs as message but that is by no means guaranteed!