I'm working with SSRS and using Visual Studio 2012.
I have two parameters StartDate and EndDate and I configured default values for each.
The default values currently for both are the following:
StartDate: =DateAdd("d",-(Day(today)-1), Today)
EndDate: =Today() - 1
I want the values to bring in: StartDate: 1/1/2017 EndDate: 1/31/2017
Basically, I want EndDate to be the previous day (e.g. EndDate for today would be 1/31/2017 since today is 2/1/2017.)
And then for StartDate, I want that to be the first day of the month that EndDate pulls in (e.g. since EndDate pulled in 1/31/2017, the StartDate should pull in 1/1/2017.)
However, with the current parameters in place, StartDate pulls in 2/1/2017 and EndDate pulls in 1/31/2017.
How do I get StartDate to pull in the 1st day of the month based on the value of EndDate?
For StartDate you can use: