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Turn Exploded text file into table

I'm running speedtest-cli on a Linux box, with a Cron job to run it regularly:

date >> /home/blob/speedtest.log
/usr/local/bin/speedtest --simple >> /home/blob/speedtest.log

This outputs four variables, with line breaks between each:

Tue 31 Jan 20:00:01 UTC 2017
Ping: ms
Download: xx.xx Mbit/s
Upload: xx.xx Mbit/s

These are stored in a continuous log file.

I'm trying to store it in a five column - ID, date, ping, download, upload - database, such that I can run the cron job, read the result to the database, and then truncate the log file (so it doesn't have duplicates):


    $f = fopen("/home/blob/speedtest.log", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
    $arr_to_insert = array();
    // Read line by line until end of file
    while (!feof($f)) { 

    // Make an array using line break as delimiter
       $arrEx = explode('\n',fgets($f)); 
    // Put exploded data in an array
       echo '<tr><td name="date">' . $arrEx[0] . '</td><td name="ping">' . $arrEx[1] . '</td><td name="download">' . $arrEx[2] . '</td><td name="upload">' . $arrEx[3] . '</td></tr>';
       //strore text file row to an array 
       $arr_to_insert[] = $arrEx;


    // Connect to Database
include '../includes/connection.php';
    // Database Insert
foreach($arr_to_insert as $di){
    $sql="INSERT INTO speed (date, ping, download, upload) VALUES ('{$di[0]}','{$di[1]}','{$di[2]}','{$di[3]}')";
    if (!mysqli_query($conn,$sql))
      die('Error: ' . mysqli_error());


Which does store the data - so no error messages - but all in the one column, rather than each cron job populating a single row; date goes in date, ping in ping, etc.

ID  date    ping    download    upload
1   Sat 28 Jan          
2   Ping: xx            
3   Download: xx            
4   Upload: xx          
5   Sat 28 Jan          
6   Ping: xx            
7   Download: xx            

Could someone please point out why it's not populating the table after exploding, and subsequently being stored in the database correctly. Thanks


  • The log files contains the following:

    Tue 31 Jan 20:00:01 UTC 2017

    Ping: ms

    Download: xx.xx Mbit/s

    Upload: xx.xx Mbit/s

    Tue 31 Jan 20:00:01 UTC 2017

    Ping: ms

    Download: xx.xx Mbit/s

    Upload: xx.xx Mbit/s

    And it continues.... So every line has a piece of data and each 4 lines (Date, ping, download, upload) are one "group".

    In your code, you have:

    $arrEx = explode('\n',fgets($f)); 

    fgets - returns a line.

    So you're actually doing:

    1 round of the loop: $arrEx = explode('\n', "Tue 31 Jan 20:00:01 UTC 2017");

    2 round of the loop: $arrEx = explode('\n', "Ping: ms"); ... ...

    What you should do is:

        $arr_to_insert = array();
        $line = 1;    
    // Read line by line until end of file
        while (!feof($f)) { 
           if($line == 1){
              $group = array();
           $group[] = fgets($f);
           if($line == 4){
             echo '<tr><td name="date">' . $group[0] . '</td><td name="ping">' . $group[1] . '</td><td name="download">' . $group[2] . '</td><td name="upload">' . $group[3] . '</td></tr>';
             //reset lines group
             $arr_to_insert[] = $group;
             $line = 1;
           } else {