I read many things about this problem but I don't find an issue for the problem. I've created a rake task that find all school in my DB, and find all premium-school. I want to display, thanks to Geocoder, the 3 nearest premiums school on non-premium school. But when I launch my task I have this error :
rake aborted!
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 0..1)
/Users/marchardantonin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p648/gems/origin-2.1.1/lib/origin/selectable.rb:334:in `near'
/Users/marchardantonin/Sites/Vroom2017/vroomvroom-web/lib/tasks/geocodeschool.rake:8:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
/Users/marchardantonin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p648/gems/mongoid-5.0.0/lib/mongoid/contextual/mongo.rb:668:in `yield_document'
Here is the code :
namespace :geocodeschool do
desc "Show premium school near non-premium school and update them"
task :schgc => :environment do
@schools = School.all
@schools_premium = @schools.premium_school
radius = 30
@schools.each do |school|
@schools_aside = @schools_premium.near(school.coordinates.reverse, radius, units: :km).limit(3)
puts "les auto-écoles premiums : #{@shcools_aside.count}"
puts "-------"
@schools_aside.each do |sa|
puts sa.title
puts "-------"
scope :premium_school, -> {where(:subscription.exists => true).where("subscription.current_period_end" => {'$gte' => Date.today})}
embeds_one :geocodeschool
accepts_nested_attributes_for :geocodeschool
class Geocodeschool
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :school
field :school_premium_aside, type: Array
Does someone could explain me the error and help me to find an issue ?
Thanks !
Geocode's near
method should be called on a model, sending the coordinates.
So, call it on PremiumSchool
model,and send the coordinates in @schools_premium
@schools_aside = School.near(@schools_premium.coordinates.reverse, radius, units: :km).limit(3)