I have a many to many through relationship with users favoriting clients (Through favorites.rb) and I want to know how to turn a CollectionProxy into an AssociationRelation, so I can get a relation with all the clients that are the users' favorites.
Or just simply, how to get them all in a AssociationRelation - doesn't have to be turned into from the CollectionProxy.
EDIT: What I'm looking for is simply a relation that lists all the clients. I realize I asked the question differently. How do I get a relation with all the clients? - Not a relation with the favorite_id, user_id, etc - I want a relation purely with the clients, and their rows.
I can find the CollectionProxy like this:
user = User.last
user.favorites # Gives me a CollectionProxy
But how do I find the favorite clients as an AssociationRelation?
has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :clients, through: 'favorites'
has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :users, through: 'favorites'
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :client
You can operate on ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy
as you would normally do on ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation
But if you really want to have the latter, just call, for example, all
user.favorites.all.class #=> Client::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation
How do I get a relation with all the clients?
You have defined the association:
has_many :clients, through: 'favorites'
Thus getting a relation of associated clients
is as easy as: