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VS2015 + VTK 7.1.0 + Qt 5.8.0 running Qt examples from VTK entry point failure

Currently I am trying to use the VTK library in combination with Qt to build an application to visualize STL-files. To get started I installed the following libraries/programs:

  • Visual Studio 2015 Professional
  • CMake 3.7.0
  • VTK 7.1.0
  • Qt 5.8.0

For Qt I used the version which is compiled for vs2015 namely:

  • qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015_64-5.8.0.exe

After following the instructions provided by Kitware everything seems to be fine, I didn't got any errors while configuring and building VTK. So then I decided to use some example code of VTK as a starting point.

Again the linking and building of the application went well but as soon as I tried to start the application I received the following error:

The procedure entry point ?rgbSwapped@QImage@@QEHAA$$QEAV1@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\VTK\bin\bin\Release\vtkGUISupportQt-7.1.dll.

I have searched for a solution but I cannot find one. I also tried other versions of VTK and Qt but I still get this error. For example this morning I tried VTK 6.3.0 in combination with Qt 4.8.5, again everthing went well untill I tried to run some code this time I received this error:

The procedure entry point ?doItemsLayout@QTableView@@UAEXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\VTK\bin\bin\Release\vtkGUISupportQt-6.3.dll.

If somebody has experience with this kind of errors please let me know.


  • I had the same problem. It seems strange to me, why system doesn`t see QT dll in the $PATH, but if you put Qt dll in you executable directory it will run fine. maybe someone with more expirence can explain this behavior.