I have a url http://localhost/Home/DomSomething?t=123&s=TX
and i want to route this URL to the following action method
public class HomeController
public ActionResult DoSomething(int taxYear,string state)
// do something here
since the query string names does not match with action method's parameter name, request is not routing to the action method.
If i change the url (just for testing) to http://localhost/Home/DomSomething?taxYear=123&state=TX
then its working. (But i dont have access to change the request.)
I know there is Route
attribute i can apply on the action method and that can map t
to taxYear
and s
to state
However i am not finding the correct syntax of Route attribute for this mapping, Can someone please help?
If Query String parameters are always t and s, then you can use Prefix. Note that it won't accept taxYear and state anymore.
public ActionResult DoSomething([Bind(Prefix = "t")] int taxYear,
[Bind(Prefix = "s")] string state)
// do something here
If you want to accept both URLs, then declare all parameters, and manually check which parameter has value -
public ActionResult DoSomething(
int? t = null, int? taxYear = null, string s = "", string state = "")
// do something here
If you don't mind using third party package, you can use ActionParameterAlias. It accepts both URLs.
[ParameterAlias("taxYear", "t")]
[ParameterAlias("state", "s")]
public ActionResult DoSomething(int taxYear, string state)
// do something here