What is the difference between Django and Joomla?
Or better still what is the difference between CMSs (Joomla, Drupal, etc) and Web Frameworks (Django, Symphony, Zend, etc)?
Straight off the Django website:
Is Django a content-management-system (CMS)?
No, Django is not a CMS, or any sort of “turnkey product” in and of itself. It’s a Web framework; it’s a programming tool that lets you build Web sites.
For example, it doesn’t make much sense to compare Django to something like Drupal, because Django is something you use to create things like Drupal.
Of course, Django’s automatic admin site is fantastic and timesaving – but the admin site is one module of Django the framework. Furthermore, although Django has special conveniences for building “CMS-y” apps, that doesn’t mean it’s not just as appropriate for building “non-CMS-y” apps (whatever that means!).