I am trying to replace the text 'HEADER' within a file with the control character new page (FF - Hex value = C). I was able to do this using SED as shown below:
sed -I "s/HEADER/\xC/g" c:\myfile.txt
I want to be able to do this using JREPL.BAT. I have try the following without success:
c:\jrepl "HEADER" "\xC" /f myfile.txt /o -
c:\jrepl "HEADER" "\xC" /x /f myfile.txt /o -
The reason why I want to do it with jrepl is to avoid having to install SED in everyone's computer who will eventually need to run the script. Any ideas on how to do this?
You don't need a several hundred lines Batch file to perform a replacement as simple as this one. The two-lines Batch file below do the same:
@set @a=0 // & cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" < myfile.txt > out.txt & move /Y out.txt myfile.txt & goto :EOF
For a further description of regular expression syntax, see this page.
In order to easily test this program, you may modify it in this way:
@set @a=0 /*
cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" < myfile.txt > out.txt
move /Y out.txt myfile.txt
goto :EOF */
Then, open a command-prompt session and execute it from the command line in order to see in the screen any error message. For example:
C:>\Users\Antonio\test type myfile.txt
This is a data line
HEADER This is the first line at top of page
This is more data line
C:>\Users\Antonio\test test.bat
C:>\Users\Antonio\test cscript //nologo //E:JScript "C:\Users\Antonio\test\test.bat" 0<myfile.txt 1>out.txt
C:>\Users\Antonio\test move /Y out.txt myfile.txt
Se han movido 1 archivos.
C:>\Users\Antonio\test goto :EOF */
C:>\Users\Antonio\test type myfile.txt
This is a data line
♀ This is the first line at top of page
This is more data line