I followed the example in this answer Get extension of a file using SQL? to extract the extension from a list of files in a folder. It's working great, but is throwing in 6 extra spaces. I've tried adding an rtrim, but that hasn't helped, unless I'm putting it in the wrong position.
create table images
PartNo char(10),
aFileName char(255),
extension char(10),
aFile char(255),
depth int,
isFile bit
insert images (aFile, depth, isFile)
EXEC xp_dirtree 'C:\Program Files\e-Con Solutions\e-Con 2012 R2\Web\images\coverpools', 10, 1
This returns filenames such as 010001.eprt
update images
SET extension = rtrim(REVERSE(
case when CHARINDEX('.', REVERSE(aFile) ) = 0 then LEN(REVERSE(aFile))
else CHARINDEX('.', REVERSE(aFile))-1 end)
This is the code that is returning Extension eprt######
you need to change your table definition and convert the extension column from extension char(10)
to extension varchar(10)
as @melpomene have pointed out in comments.