What is the difference is between the Floating
and Fractional
classes in Haskell?
The definitions of Fractional
and Floating
can be found in the documentation of the Prelude:
class Num a => Fractional a where (/) :: a -> a -> a recip :: a -> a fromRational :: Rational -> a
Fractional numbers, supporting real division.
class Fractional a => Floating a where pi :: a exp :: a -> a log :: a -> a sqrt :: a -> a (**) :: a -> a -> a logBase :: a -> a -> a sin :: a -> a cos :: a -> a tan :: a -> a asin :: a -> a acos :: a -> a atan :: a -> a sinh :: a -> a cosh :: a -> a tanh :: a -> a asinh :: a -> a acosh :: a -> a atanh :: a -> a
Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and related functions.
So to translate that into English: A Fractional
is any kind of number for which I can define a division:
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
That can for instance be the case for floating point numbers, but also for fractions (where a fraction has a numerator and denominator). This is not the case for Int
because if dividing an Int
by an Int
does not always produce an Int
(well technically floating point division on a computer is not exact, but that is another story).
A subset of Fractional
numbers are Floating
numbers where trigonometric are defined. It is for instance impossible that the sin
of a fraction always produces a fraction: a sin
is defined as an sum over an infinite sequence. Only for a very limited number of cases (like sin 0
) it holds. Basically the only numbers on a computer for which trigonometric are defined (approximatively) are floating point numbers.