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VBScript Error "Permission Denied" But Works Anyway

I have a VBScript setup as a logon script in my GPO. I'm having an issue where every time it runs at logon, I get Permission Denied on the line:

set lf = fso.opentextfile(lfp, 2, true)

Points of interest:

  • Despite the error, the script completes successfully.
  • The script executes without error if I run it manually.
  • The lfp variable points to c:\folder\folder\file.log. The file is created (when necessary) and populated appropriately (overwritten, as expected when it does exist).
  • If the file is created, the fso is closed before trying to opentextfile.
  • The user logging in does have modify permission to the path and to the file being replaced when it exists via inherited Authenticated Users permission (from c:\folder1 - see below).
  • If I throw in a wscript.sleep 30000 just before that line, it just waits 30 seconds to throw permissions denied.
  • If user is a member of local administrators group on PC, I get no errors. Again, when user is not local admin, it errors, but completes successfully.
  • I see the same behavior under both Windows 7 and 10.

I'm at a loss here. Here's the pertinent section of code (please excuse any poor coding practice):

'notify robocopy log file location
function seelog(log)
  lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & "See log file for details: " & log
end function

'process robocopy exit codes and write log
function writeerrors(items)
  docs = items(0)
  retcode = items(1)
  logfile = items(2)
  if docs = "c" then
    name = "some stuff"
    name = "some other stuff"
  end if
  If retcode = 0 Then
    lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & name & " folder was already up to date."
  elseif retcode = 1 then
    lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & name & " folder was updated."
    lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & name & " folder update exited with robocopy error code: " & retcode
  End If
end function

'get logged in user
un = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName

'check for logfile, and if not exist, create
'folder1 always exists, no need to check or create
lfp = "c:\folder1\folder2\folder3\logfile1.log"
ld1 = "c:\folder1\folder2"
ld2 = "c:\folder1\folder2\folder3"

set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

if not fso.fileexists(lfp) then
  if not fso.folderexists(ld1) then
  end if
  if not fso.folderexists(ld2) then
  end if
  set cf = fso.createtextfile(lfp)
end if

'open logfile (lfp variable)
'for writing (2)
'overwrite if already exists (true)
wscript.sleep 30000
'************permission denied happens on next line on lfp var*************
Set lf = fso.OpenTextFile(lfp, 2, True)

lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & "Script started."
lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & "Logged in user: " & un
lf.writeline "[" & now & "]  " & "========================================================="

more code writing to log file and executing robocopy....

I suppose suppressing all errors is an option, but 1) I'd rather not, and 2) I'm not clear on how to accomplish that in VBScript.


On Error Resume Next
  Set lf = fso.OpenTextFile(lfp, 2, True)
On Error Goto 0

I tested this and it does break the script. lf is not set due to the error so the following lines error out with 'object required "lf"' code 800a01a8 as expected.


  • I don't like doing this, but my work around was to launch the .vbs from a .bat (personal preference - I like to keep everything from one job in one script so in the future I don't have to go chasing files around).

    I placed a logon.bat file in my GPO as the logon script.

    @echo off
    echo Launching update script...
    cscript c:\folder1\script.vbs

    This seems to work around the (apparently false) permissions issue I was having. I'm still curious if anyone can tell me exactly why I was seeing the behavior I saw. Does the script engine write to a temp location maybe, when calling OpenTextFile (when launching directly from the GPO) that only admin users would have access to?