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How do I recreate an FRM file for an MySQL InnoDB table with only the ibdata and *.ibd files?

This is a slightly different question than the related InnoDB repair questions I have seen on stackoverflow.

Assume that I have restored the following in my MySQL 5.1 database with innodb_file_per_table=1:


I have lost the db/tablename.frm file. I can start the database server, but InnoDB complains:

110723 13:26:33  InnoDB: Error: table 'db/tablename'
InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has tablespace id 5943,
InnoDB: but tablespace with that id or name does not exist. Have
InnoDB: you deleted or moved .ibd files?

How can I reconstruct the FRM file?


  • EDIT: I created a simple script that does all the steps described below:

    old question, but I found this easier way to do it:

    I have recovered my MySQL 5.5 *.ibd and *.frm files with using MySQL Utilites and MariaDB 10.
    1) Generating Create SQLs.
    You can get your create sql's from frm file. You must use :
    shell> mysqlfrm --server=root:pass@localhost:3306 c:\MY\t1.frm --port=3310
    Other way you may have your create sql's.
    2) Create Your Tables
    Create your tables on the database.
    3) alter table xxx discard tablespace
    Discard your tables which do you want to replace your *.ibd files.
    4) Copy your *.ibd files (MySQL Or MariaDB) to MariaDB's data path
    First i try to use MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 to restrore, but database crashes and immediately stops about tablespace id broken error. (ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error -1 from storage engine) 
    After i have used MariaDB 10.1.8, and i have succesfully recovered my data.
    5) alter table xxx import tablespace
    When you run this statement, MariaDB warns about file but its not important than to recover your data :) Database still continues and you can see your data.
    I hope this information will helpful for you.

    Let me add that you can download the mysqlfrm here:

    I also found a faster way to get the CREATE TABLE by using dbsake:

    curl -s > dbsake
    chmod u+x dbsake


    #only one table
    ./dbsake frmdump /path/to/table.frm > recover.sql
    #multiple tables
    ./dbsake frmdump /path/to/*.frm > recover.sql

    followed by:

    mysql -uUSER -p recover_db < recover.sql

    you can also execute it in a one liner if you want:

    ./dbsake frmdump /path/to/*.frm | mysql -uUSER -p recover_db

    at this point you can follow the above instructions from point 3 on.