Search code examples

Ask user for input and scan to a certain file and output results (with duplicates)

I need to prompt the user to enter a name of a class that comes from CSV file:

Computer,Course 1,This course is taught by Dr. Chen
Information technology,Course 2,This course is taught by Dr. Weiss
Database,Course 3,This course is taught by Dr. Gonzalas
Algorithm,Course 4,This course is taught by Dr. Sanabria
Computer,Course 5,This course is taught by Dr. Sun
Data mining,Course 6,This course is taught by Dr. Li
Algorithm,Course 8,This course is taught by Dr. Xue

The user will enter one of the items in Column 1. As you can see, there are duplicates. There needs to be a way to prompt the user to clarify which class he is going to be requesting information about, and then continue with the selection.

How can I do that?


  • Please take into consideration that this is just a draft, which runs on my system and has not been tested on other

    # Read user input
    read -p "Type a name of class: " class
    # Results in two views - entries count and entries content
    entries_cnt=`cat ./tst.csv | cut -d',' -f1 | grep -cw "$class"`
    entries_nfo=$(cat tst.csv | awk -v class=$class -F"," '{if ($1 ~ class) print $0 }')
    # If one entry founded
    if [ "$entries_cnt" == "1" ] ; then
        echo 'Entry founded:'
        echo $entries_nfo
    # If entry not founded
    elif [ "$entries_cnt" \< "1" ] ; then
        echo 'Entry not found'
    # If founded more than 1 entry
        echo 'Founded more than 1 entry:'
        echo $entries_nfo;
        echo 'Available courses:'
        echo $entries_nfo | cut -d',' -f2
        # Read user input
        read -p 'Input course: ' course
        echo $entries_nfo | awk -v course=$course -F"," '{if ($2 ~ course) print $0 }'