I have a jagged double[][]
array that may be modified concurrently by multiple threads. I should like to make it thread-safe, but if possible, without locks. The threads may well target the same element in the array, that is why the whole problem arises. I have found code to increment double values atomically using the Interlocked.CompareExchange
method: Why is there no overload of Interlocked.Add that accepts Doubles as parameters?
My question is: will it stay atomic if there is a jagged array reference in Interlocked.CompareExchange
? Your insights are much appreciated.
With an example:
public class Example
double[][] items;
public void AddToItem(int i, int j, double addendum)
double newCurrentValue = items[i][j];
double currentValue;
double newValue;
SpinWait spin = new SpinWait();
while (true) {
currentValue = newCurrentValue;
newValue = currentValue + addendum;
// This is the step of which I am uncertain:
newCurrentValue = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref items[i][j], newValue, currentValue);
if (newCurrentValue == currentValue) break;
Yes, it will still be atomic and thread-safe. Any calls to the same cell will be passing the same address-to-a-double. Details like whether it is in an array of as a field on an object are irrelevant.
However, the line:
double newCurrentValue = items[i][j];
is not atomic - that could in theory give a torn value (especially on x86). That's actually OK in this case because in the torn-value scenario it will just hit the loop, count as a collision, and redo - this time using the known-atomic value from CompareExchange