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Sage Form Integration

I have been trying to integrate Sage Pay using their form integration but cannot get passed the infamous 5080 error. I have been through 10 days of back and forth with Sage support and thay have conceded that they can no longer help and are convinced it is an encryption issue. I have also trawled through the answers here and I cannot seem to get the solution. I have done many integrations using other systems before but the lack of feedback from the system is very frustrating makes debugging almost impossible

Things I can confirm: - PHP Version 7.0.15, as part of Wordpress install - passing unique VendorTxCode - passing all required fields with live success & failure URLS - passing VPSProtocal, TxType, VendorName and Crypt (confirmed by viewing network tool in Chrome aftre request fails) - tried both test and live portal using the relevant keys and correct gateways - had numerous showposts viewed by support and verified as correct format - confirmed the encryption - supplied an unencrypted string to support, their escalation team encrypted the string and sent back encrypted string - used a string compare app to compare strings and they are identical - I cannot seem to see Invalid transactions in portal as I dont have a transations tab to view and support said thay cannot even see the request attempst hitting the server.

They keep telling me its an encryption issue Any suggestions as how to best debug this or any unapparent solutions that helped others woudl be of great help - im not sure what is best to post here for you to see but I can as required

Many thanks


    1. Log into My Sage Pay with your admin credentials, create a user and give that user permission to see transactions (etc - just click the lot!). Log in as that user and you will be able to see transactions. Look under Invalid, and you should see the reason.

    2. Check you are using the correct encryption password. They are different for live / test

    3. Failing that, post your unencrypted crypt string here - I will look at it and tell you where you are going wrong.