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How to make custom type (string) marshal CDATA format in golang?

WeChat message reply requires such a format, CDATA is to resolve the special characters.

<Content><![CDATA[hello world]]></Content>

When using golang to achieve the specification,I found that the xml.Marshal () can be used with the struct tag xml:",cdata" . Define a struct to deal with, the codes seems like:

package main

import (

type TextMsg struct {
    XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
    ToUserName   CDATA
    FromUserName CDATA
    CreateTime   int64
    MsgType      CDATA
    Content      CDATA

type CDATA struct {
    Text string `xml:",cdata"`

func main() {
    msg := TextMsg{
        ToUserName:   CDATA{"userId"},
        FromUserName: CDATA{"appId"},
        CreateTime:   time.Now().Unix(),
        MsgType:      CDATA{"text"},
        Content:      CDATA{"some message like <hello>"}}

    b, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(msg, "", "    ")

Output results:

    <Content><![CDATA[some message like <hello>]]></Content>

But I think it's not perfect, since variable assignment is not as convenient as the normal string type, so I change the CDATA into string type, and try to achieve MarshalXML ():

package main

import (

type TextMsg struct {
    XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
    ToUserName   CDATA
    FromUserName CDATA
    CreateTime   int64
    MsgType      CDATA
    Content      CDATA

type CDATA string

func (c CDATA) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
    e.EncodeElement("<![CDATA["+string(c)+"]]>", start)
    return nil

func main() {
    msg := TextMsg{
        ToUserName:   "userId",
        FromUserName: "appId",
        CreateTime:   time.Now().Unix(),
        MsgType:      "text",
        Content:      "some message like <hello>"}

    b, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(msg, "", "    ")

But the output results do not meet expectations, "<" or ">" is escaped:

    <Content>&lt;![CDATA[some message like &lt;hello&gt;]]&gt;</Content>

Do you have any good suggestions for me, thank you.


  • You can create another structure CDATA2 which has tag xml:",cdata", and pass it to EncodeElement().

    EncodeElement() would correctly encode CDATA2{"foo<>"} to <![CDATA[foo<>]]>.

    type CDATA2 struct {
        Text string `xml:",cdata"`
    func (c CDATA) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
        e.EncodeElement(CDATA2{string(c)}, start)
        return nil

    Check it in: Go Playground

    Edit: you can use anonymous struct if you don't want to define named type

    func (c CDATA) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
        e.EncodeElement(struct {
            string `xml:",cdata"`
        }{string(c)}, start)
        return nil

    Check it in: Go Playground