I need help optimizing the below queries for a recurrent calendar I've built.
If user fails to accomplish all task where date < today, I want to show a reminder which states the date and title of the task. Since the calendar uses recurrent events the same ID can be targeted multiple times.
This is the query I use inside a foreach which fetches all dates that the current activity is active.
This is my current setup, which works, but is very slow.
Other string explained:
$parts = explode($separator, $datespan);
$dayForDate2 = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[0]));
$week2 = strtotime($datespan);
$week2 = date("W", $week2);
if($week2&1) { $weektype2 = "3"; } # Odd week 1, 3, 5 ...
else { $weektype2 = "2"; } # Even week 2, 4, 6 ...
Query #1:
$query1 = "SELECT date_from, date_to, bok_id, kommentar
FROM bokningar
WHERE bokningar.typ='2'
AND date_from < '".$today."'";
Function that makes the foreach move ahead one day at the time...
function date_range($first, $last, $step = '+1 day', $output_format = 'Y-m-d' )
$dates = array();
$current = strtotime($first);
$last = strtotime($last);
while( $current <= $last ) {
$dates[] = date($output_format, $current);
$current = strtotime($step, $current);
return $dates;
foreach (date_range($row['date_from'], $row['date_to'], "+1 day", "Y-m-d")
as $datespan)
if ($datespan < $today)
Query #2:
$query2 = "
SELECT bok_id, kommentar
FROM bokningar b
WHERE b.typ='2'
AND b.bok_id='".$row['bok_id']."'
AND b.weektype = '1'
AND b.".$dayForDate2." = '1'
(SELECT t.tilldelad, t.bok_id
FROM tilldelade t
WHERE t.tilldelad = '".$datespan."'
AND t.bok_id='".$row['bok_id']."')
OR b.typ='2'
AND b.bok_id='".$row['bok_id']."'
AND b.weektype = '".$weektype2."'
AND b.".$dayForDate2." = '1'
(SELECT t.tilldelad, t.bok_id
FROM tilldelade t
WHERE t.tilldelad = '".$datespan."'
AND t.bok_id='".$row['bok_id']."')";
b.weektype is either 1,2 or 3 (every week, every even week, every uneven week)
needs INDEX(typ, date_from)
Instead of computing $today, you can do
and date_from < CURDATE()
Are you running $query2 for each date? How many days is that? You may be able to build a table of dates, then JOIN
it to bokningar
to do all the SELECTs
in a single SELECT
When doing x AND y OR x AND z
, first add parenthes to make it clear which comes first AND or OR: (x AND y) OR (x AND z)
. Then use a simple rule in Boolean arithmetic to transform it into a more efficient expression: x AND (y OR z)
(where the parens are necessary).
The usual pattern for EXISTS
; there is no need to list columns.
If I am reading it correctly, the only difference is in testing b.weektype
. So the WHERE
can be simply
WHERE b.weektype IN ('".$weektype2."', '1')
AND ...
There is no need for OR, since it is effectively in IN()
needs INDEX(tilldelad, bok_id)
, in either order. This should make the EXISTS(...)
run faster.
Finally, bokningar
needs INDEX(typ, bok_id, weektype)
in any order.
That is a lot to change and test. See if you can get those things done. If it still does not run fast enough, start a new Question with the new code. Please include SHOW CREATE TABLE
for both tables.