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Appcelerator ti.storekit invalid product

I am getting Invalid Product error when I am requesting a product.

Here is the full error

[INFO] :   {
[INFO] :       invalid =     (
[INFO] :           "<Product>"
[INFO] :       );
[INFO] :       products =     (
[INFO] :       );
[INFO] :       source = "[object TiStorekitProductRequest]";
[INFO] :       success = 1;
[INFO] :       type = callback;
[INFO] :   }

I am using 6.0.1 SDK and iOS version is 10.2

I am running and testing on my iPhone 6 from Appcelerator Studio (not AdHoc, just development certificate)

Here is the example that I am using

So I have done the following

  • Created product in iTunesConnect which is ready to submit

  • My product Cleared checked for Sale

  • I have In-App purchase in my AppId (Apple Account)

  • I have Bundle Id and version in my code

  • In app/assets folder I added AppleIncRootCertificate.cer

  • receiptVerificationSandbox=(Ti.App.deployType !== 'production');

  • My device can make payments

  • My device is not jailbroken

  • And I have this in my xml file


  • There was one thing I didn't complete.

    My bank account details were not active in iTunes Connect.