Sorry I can see this question has ben asked a few times. I have solved this before, but know I am seeing it in a new way.
Here is my constructor in a flux store:
class TodoStore extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.state = {
todos: [
id: uuid(),
text: 'Go Shopping',
complete: false
id: uuid(),
text: 'Pay Water Bill',
complete: false
showCompletedTodos: true,
showIncompletedTodos: true
this.deleteTodo = this.deleteTodo.bind(this)
this.toggleTodo = this.toggleTodo.bind(this)
this.toggleShowCompletedTodos = this.toggleShowCompletedTodos.bind(this)
this.toggleShowIncompletedTodos = this.toggleShowIncompletedTodos.bind(this)
And here are a few of the functions I am calling via TodoActions.fuctionName in a child component:
// Toggle the showing of completed todos
toggleShowCompletedTodos() {
showCompletedTodos: !this.state.showCompletedTodos
// Toggle the showing of incompleted todos
toggleShowIncompletedTodos() {
showIncompletedTodos: !this.state.showIncompletedTodos
deleteTodo(todoToDelete) {
todo: this.state.todos.filter( function(todo) {
return !==
I get Uncaught TypeError: this.setState is not a function
when I trigger this functions.
In the past bind in the functions to this
in the constructor solves this, but in this, is is not working
This is my referance: this.setState is not a function
Is it because it is a Flux store and not a normal class?
It appears as though you are calling this.setState from a class inhering from EventEmitter but this.setState is a function of the Component class, you can't call it from a class extending EventEmitter.