I'm trying to follow https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/getting_started/hello,_iOS/hello,iOS_quickstart/. But on Step 26, I don't know what to do. What it shows in the image there is not what it looks like in Xamarin Studio Community (6.1.5 build 0). Instead it looks like . Can someone help translate between what the tutorial says and what I'm seeing? I'm brand new to Xamarin, although I've been a C# developer for a long time.
Looks like our guide there needs an update to bring it in line with current practices - I'll pass this feedback to the team.
These days, defining launch images in the Info.plist
is deprecated and it is recommended that developers use either Asset Catalogs or Launch Storyboards - the latter being the most recent and suggested option.
More information on Launch Screens can be found here:
Managing with asset catalogs: