I have a dataframe (df) with 10 columns of Prices of company share prices with associated data. The index has many different dates, however there are multiple identical dates (and it is sorted by date). Additionally the important columns for this problem are df['Cond1'] and df['Cond2'] and df['Returns'].
Here is an example of the data with 3 columns for only 2 index values (1/21/2017 and 1/22/2017), in reality there are multiple dates with multiple variables etc etc.
Name Cond1 Cond2 Returns
1/21/2017 Apple 2 4 0.052450819
1/21/2017 Blackberry 6 5 0.423446578
1/21/2017 Microsoft 3 2 0.073850562
1/21/2017 IBM 1 1 0.966576931
1/21/2017 Ubisoft 5 7 0.371786953
1/21/2017 Next 4 3 0.58357725
1/21/2017 Marks and Spencer 2 7 0.466737922
1/21/2017 Alpha 4 3 0.291305661
1/21/2017 Right move 6 2 0.206502435
1/21/2017 Topsy 7 5 0.655331635
1/21/2017 Pizza hut 4 7 0.295723144
1/21/2017 Mcdonalds 3 4 0.338535647
1/22/2017 IBM 2 3 0.975326708
1/22/2017 Next 1 5 0.70893239
1/22/2017 Alpha 1 3 0.362154048
1/22/2017 Blackberry 6 2 0.664525792
1/22/2017 Apple 6 6 0.363531989
Now I want to create two columns ['Returns2'] and ['Returns3']
Returns 2 = new column in dataframe which only shows the returns for the date and 12 periods forward for that particular company if Cond1 < Cond2.
Returns 3 = new column in dataframe which only shows the returns for 1 day ahead and for 12 periods forward from that day for that particular company if Cond1
So ultimately I want to have 12 consecutive returns for 12 days for the company which satisfied Cond1
You can do an approach like this:
df = df.set_index('Name', append=True).swaplevel().sort_index()
df.loc[df.Cond1< df.Cond2, 'returns2'] = True
df.returns2 = df.groupby(level=0).returns2.transform(lambda x: x.ffill(limit=12))
df.returns2 = df.returns2.mask(df.returns2.notnull(), df.Returns)
Alpha 2017-01-21 NaN
2017-01-22 0.362154
Apple 2017-01-21 0.0524508
2017-01-22 0.363532
Blackberry 2017-01-21 NaN
2017-01-22 NaN
IBM 2017-01-21 NaN
2017-01-22 0.975327
Mcdonalds 2017-01-21 0.338536
Microsoft 2017-01-21 NaN
MnSpencer 2017-01-21 0.466738
Next 2017-01-21 NaN
2017-01-22 0.708932
Pizzahut 2017-01-21 0.295723
Rightmove 2017-01-21 NaN
Topsy 2017-01-21 NaN
Ubisoft 2017-01-21 0.371787
Name: test, dtype: object