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How can component in iron-pages know when it is selected

I have a Polymer 1.0 iron-pages element containing two custom elements:

<iron-pages selected="...">

I would like to take some action, like fetching ajax content, in my-page component, when the page becomes selected. How can I do this?

I came up with some ideas:

  1. create a third component containing the iron-pages and wiring the events

    <dom-module id="my-controller">
        <iron-pages selected="..." on-selected-changed="onPageChanged">
          var page = ...;
          page.selected = true;


    <dom-module id="my-page">
        // fetch data

    seems being rather much of an overhead to me, is this really necessary?

  2. use <iron-pages selectedAttribute="..." ...>

    but I could not find a way to detect the attribute change in <my-page>

Are there common patterns to solve this?


  • My solution was similar to your option A, but using events instead of method calls - its a more correct approach, and I'm actually baffled why Polymer's ironSelectableBehavior didn't implement it directly:

    <iron-pages id="pages" ...>
        is: 'my-app',
        listeners: {
            'pages.iron-select': 'pageSelected',
            'pages.iron-deselect': 'pageDeselected'
        pageSelected: function(e) {'iron-select'); },
        pageDeselected: function(e) {'iron-deselect'); })

    Then, in your element, listen for these events:

        is: 'my-custom-element',
        listeners: {
            'iron-select': '_refreshData'
        _refreshData: function(e) {
            // load some data

    Option B should also work - you probably need to set up the correct property and put an observer on it. In your component that contains iron-pages set up the attribute using the hyphenated form:

    <iron-pages selected-attribute="activated" ...>

    Then in your custom component set up the property and the observer:

        is: 'my-first-page',
        properties: {
            activated: {
                type: Boolean,
                observer: '_activationChanged'
        _activationChanged: function(newval, oldval) {
            if (newval) // == true
                console.log("just activated");