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Run npm command on keybinding in Visual Studio Code

I want to bundle js files on save using webpack.

This is best accomplished using webpack watch. But whatever...

In the answers below is the result of my googling, which I hope will be useful to somebody at some point.


  • Use npm to run webpack bundling on save in VSC ... or any other npm command you like, like compiling typescript.

    Add a .vscode/tasks.json to your project:

    See tasks.json format documentation for reference

        "command": "npm",
        "isShellCommand": true,
        "showOutput": "never",
        "suppressTaskName": true,
        "tasks": [
                "taskName": "bundle",
                "args": ["run", "bundle"],
                "isBuildCommand": true,
                "showOutput": "never"

    Edit keybindings.json (File>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts).

    Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults

            "key" : "ctrl+s",
            "command" : ""

    The is a built-in vsc hook. See here:

    The task can also be accessed in VSC via

    1. Ctrl+P
    2. Type task + space
    3. See your task suggested or continue typing it's name