So I've been trying to convert USD to FMC, FMC to USD, GBP to FMC, FMC to GBP, EUR to FMC, FMC to EUR
I just can't seem to figure out how to convert it. I realize it's probably more math related, but could someone point me in the correct direction. I don't want ti done for me. Just need another pair of eyes.
$url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$FMC = $data[1]["rate"]; holds all the currency values.
I'm making a cryptocurrency for a project me and my buds thought of. Just to joke around with.
Json returned by the URL is
{"code":"USD","name":"US Dollar","rate":1},
{"code":"GBP","name":"British Pound","rate":1.25},
Decode Json into an array.
$jsonArr = json_decode($json, true);
If sequence of currencies remain same then fetch the rate.
$fmc = $jsonArr[0]["rate"];
$usd = $jsonArr[1]["rate"];
$gbp = $jsonArr[2]["rate"];
$eur = $jsonArr[3]["rate"];
If sequence changes, then you may have to iterate the array to set desired currency rate into variable.
convertCurrency($from, $to, $value) {
return ($value * $to) / $from;
$result = convertCurrency($usd, $fmc, 100)
FMC to USD :: convertCurrency($fmc, $usd, 100)
GBP to FMC :: convertCurrency($gbp, $fmc, 100)
FMC to GBP :: convertCurrency($fmc, $gbp, 100)
EUR to FMC :: convertCurrency($eur, $fmc, 100)
FMC to EUR :: convertCurrency($fmc, $eur, 100)
Replace 100 by $value that you want to convert.