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Twitter API with PHP - can't pass results of friends/ids request to users/lookup request using abrahams twitter oauth library

I'm having problems passing the results of a friends/ids request to a users/lookup request while using Abraham's Twitter OAuth ( PHP library to access the Twitter REST API.

After authenticating, I get an account's friends list as user ids:

$content = $connection->get("followers/ids", ["screen_name" => $input]);

Then I'm creating a comma separated list:

foreach ($content as $user) {
$userlist = implode(', ', $user);

And then I'm passing this to a users/lookup request:

$output = $connection->post("users/lookup", ["user_id" => $userlist]);

This gives a code 17 error which I understand to mean no such account was identified by Twitter. Outputting the imploded $userlist shows this step is working ok.

If I define $userlist myself then the subsequent call to users/lookup works fine. For example:

$userlist = "820310862045052930, 806614673474912256, 745020013837434880, 789205729123065860, 717272899741204480, 2523773164, 763810846929719296, 817061186705457152, 806495626670186496, 1935657786, 813858305282109442, 224295002, 24016369, 719472791200739328, 3292608016, 544394440, 338499233, 704776216, 1080910670, 2162932007, 15700673, 2212757984, 375238808, 2949937593, 244523746, 145021177, 4195801821, 799570638847561728"

I've tried converting the results of the first request (friends/ids) to array:

 $contentarray = json_decode(json_encode($content), True);

but this makes no difference. I've also tried passing the list of ids as an array (and defining the $userlist as such in the request). Wrapping $userlist in quotes doesn't work either and it makes no difference if I use GET or POST. Similarly, creating another array of just user_ids (excluding the cursors) and creating a comma separated list from this does not make a difference.

Twitter OAuth is usually so simple and intuitive to use but I've spent hours on this and am getting nowhere. Can anyone help out with where I'm going wrong?


  • So it turns out the problem was with my foreach loop. Hat tip to hobbes3 for this answer.

    After authenticating:

    // get the user's followers
    $content = $connection->get("followers/ids", ["screen_name" => $input]);
    // replace stdclass object with array
     $content_as_array = json_decode(json_encode($content), True);
    //create new array with foreach
    $content_as_new_array = array();
    foreach($content_as_array as $user) {
    foreach($user as $newuser) {
    array_push($content_as_new_array, $newuser);
    // implode this new array
    $userlist = implode(", ", $content_as_new_array);
    // and pass this new array to API
     $output = $connection->post("users/lookup", ["user_id" => $userlist]);