I have the following super simple Redux-Saga that I want to test with Jest.
function* nextApi() {
yield* takeEvery(
(action) => !!(action.meta && action.meta.next),
I've looked at Redux-Sagas-Test-Plan, but that only seems to allow you to unit test functions that contain Saga Effect Creators and doesn't seem to support Saga Helpers. There is also Redux-Saga-Test but that just does a deepEqual on the yielded effect and doesn't test the arrow function.
What I want to be able to do is past the following two objects to takeEvery
and see that nextApiSaga is only called in the second case.
{ type: 'foo' }
{ type: 'foo', meta: { next: 'bar' } }
I left you a comment about redux-saga-test-plan having methods for saga helpers, but you can easily test takeEvery
with it. Call testSaga
with your saga and then invoke the takeEvery
method assertion with the pattern (note I keep a reference to your original anonymous function) and the other saga.
const helper = action => !!(action.meta && action.meta.next)
function* nextApi() {
yield* takeEvery(
testSaga(nextApi).takeEvery(helper, nextApiSaga)