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Converting a time decimal/fraction representing days to its actual time in R?

I have a column in R on my dataset with values that have been converted into what I believe is a time decimal fraction based on days. I have been using this site as a reference:

Which converting 0.3408565 days corresponds to the time of 8:10:50 by doing the following:

0.3408565 * 24 hours/day = 8.180555544 = 8 hours

0.180555544 * 60 minutes = 10.83333264 = 10 minutes

0.83333264 * 60 seconds = 49.9999584 = 50 seconds

As you can see it is extracting the remainder and doing further multiplication, however I'm not sure how I could implement the process within R. I want to convert all the values in my column using this so I can replace 0.3408565, 0.3864468, 0.4400231 etc with their actual time counterparts 8:10:50, 09:16:29, 10:33:38 respectively. This seems to be how it is done in Excel too.

I tried writing my own function which in English does:

convertTime <- function(x)
x * 60 = Hour
x2 * 24 = Min
x3 * 24 = Sec

hourChar <- as.character(Hour)
minChar <- as.character(Min)
secChar <- as.character(Sec)
paste(hourChar, minChar, secChar, sep=":")

With x being 0.3408565, but of course this doesn't extract the remainder. I might be seriously overcomplicating it, but I want to loop through all values in the column using each value as input to convert.

Lastly, I have looked at packages such as 'lubridate' but cannot find anything that is relevant to my problem.

I also browsed here for my specific situation but couldn't find anything really relevant to my problem. Is there any package or solution that could help me?

EDIT: I want to say both answers work perfectly for anyone else having this kind of problem, thank you to you both!


  • Here's a custom function

    convertTime <- function(x){
        Hour = (x * 24) %% 24 #For x>1, only the value after decimal will be considered
        Minutes = (Hour %% 1) * 60
        Seconds = (Minutes %% 1) * 60
        hrs = ifelse (Hour < 10, paste("0",floor(Hour),sep = ""), as.character(floor(Hour)))
        mins = ifelse (Minutes < 10, paste("0",floor(Minutes),sep = ""), as.character(floor(Minutes)))    
        secs = ifelse (Seconds < 10, paste("0",round(Seconds,0),sep = ""), as.character(round(Seconds,0)))
        return(paste(hrs, mins, secs, sep = ":"))


    a = seq(0,1,0.2)
    #[1] "00:00:00" "04:48:00" "09:36:00" "14:24:00" "19:12:00" "00:00:00"
    b = 0.3408565
    # [1] "08:10:50"