I'm trying to use gulp-if and gulp-is-binary in order to skip over binary files in a my HTML task, but I'm having a lot of trouble.
I've got this task:
// html task, converts includes & variables in HTML
gulp.task("html", function () {
"use strict";
// development HTML directory
var htmlDirectory = dev;
// production HTML directory (if --dist is passed)
if (argv.dist) htmlDirectory = dist;
// clean directory if --dist is passed
if (argv.dist) del([htmlDirectory + "/**/*", "!" + htmlDirectory + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]);
// process HTML
return gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"])
// prevent breaking on error
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
// check if source is newer than destination
.pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "{/partials,/partials/**}"]})))
// check if a file is a binary
.pipe(gulpif(isBinary(), function () { /* somehow skip? */ } ))
// replace variables
prefix: "@@",
basepath: "@file",
context: {
name: name,
description: description,
version: version,
repository: repository,
license: license,
// replace FontAwesome placeholders
.pipe(replace(/(?:<icon:)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)[^>]*(?:>)/g, "<i class='fa fa-$1' aria-hidden='true'><\/i>"))
// output to the compiled directory
// reload the files
.pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true}))
// notify that the task is complete, if not part of default or watch
.pipe(gulpif(gulp.seq.indexOf("html") > gulp.seq.indexOf("default"), notify({title: "Success!", message: "HTML task complete!", onLast: true})))
// push the task to the ranTasks array
.on("data", function() {
if (ranTasks.indexOf("html") < 0) ranTasks.push("html");
This is the line I'm having trouble with:
.pipe(gulpif(isBinary(), function () { /* somehow skip? */ } ))
I can't figure out how to tell Gulp to skip that file and continue the rest of the task. I feel like I'm missing something simple.
After a ton of research, experimenting, and a some help from the developer of gulp-is-binary, I figured this out. My task is below:
// html task, copies binaries, converts includes & variables in HTML
gulp.task("html", function () {
"use strict";
// development HTML directory
var htmlDirectory = dev;
// production HTML directory (if --dist is passed)
if (argv.dist) htmlDirectory = dist;
// clean directory if --dist is passed
if (argv.dist) del([htmlDirectory + "/**/*", "!" + htmlDirectory + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]);
// copy binaries
var binaries = gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"])
// prevent breaking on error
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
// check if source is newer than destination
.pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]})))
// check if a file is a binary
// skip the file if it's not a binary
.pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, next) {
if (!file.isBinary()) {
next(null, file);
// output to the compiled directory
// process HTML
var html = gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"])
// prevent breaking on error
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
// check if source is newer than destination
.pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]})))
// check if a file is a binary
// skip the file if it's a binary
.pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, next) {
if (file.isBinary()) {
next(null, file);
// replace variables
prefix: "@@",
basepath: "@file",
context: {
name: name,
description: description,
version: version,
repository: repository,
license: license,
// replace icon placeholders
.pipe(replace(/(?:<icon:)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_][^:>]+)(?:\:([A-Za-z0-9\-\_\ ][^:>]*))?(?:>)/g, "<i class='icon'><svg class='icon_svg $2' aria-hidden='true'><use xlink:href='#$1' \/><\/svg></i>"))
// output to the compiled directory
// merge both steams back in to one
return merge(binaries, html)
// prevent breaking on error
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
// reload the files
.pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true}))
// notify that the task is complete, if not part of default or watch
.pipe(gulpif(gulp.seq.indexOf("html") > gulp.seq.indexOf("default"), notify({title: "Success!", message: "HTML task complete!", onLast: true})))
// push the task to the ranTasks array
.on("data", function() {
if (ranTasks.indexOf("html") < 0) ranTasks.push("html");
The full gulpfile can be found here: