I'm getting the below error in Eclipse CDT while using Function Callgraph option of Profiling Tools
/tmp/org.eclipse.linuxtools.profiling.launch14272008124383356638983332386495.sh: 2: /tmp/org.eclipse.linuxtools.profiling.launch14272008124383356638983332386495.sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
I googled this error. I found that the issue is with >&
. An answer showed that the issue can be solved by replacing it with &>
. But how to do that because eclipse creates the file??
Below is the sample C code on which i'm using profiling tools. But i have a huge code on which i'm facing the same issue.
Name : hello.c
Version :
Copyright : Your copyright notice
Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void abc() {
int main(void) {
puts("!!!Hello World!!!"); /* prints !!!Hello World!!! */
Below is the shell script that is mentioned in the error
exec stap -c '/home/tejus/workspaces/testC/hello/Debug/hello' /home/tejus/workspaces/testC/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.linuxtools.callgraph.core/callgraphGen.stp --runtime=dyninst /home/tejus/workspaces/testC/hello/Debug/hello >& /home/tejus/workspaces/testC/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.linuxtools.callgraph.core/callgraph.out
I'm facing same issue in both C/C++ code.
This is probably because of the different styles in bash and sh. Try this: rename the old link of /bin/sh to bash and create new link of /bin/sh to bash.
cd /bin
sudo mv sh sh_orig
sudo ln -s /bin/bash sh