Search code examples

Converting raw queries into laravel

I have this schema


id | product_category
1  | ABC
2  | DBC
3  | EBA


id | category_id | store_id
1  | 2        | 11
2  | 1        | 11
3  | 3        | 11

I have created a query in mysql work bench

SELECT pc.* FROM product_categories pc LEFT JOIN store_product_categories spc ON pc.category = AND spc.store_id = 11 WHERE spc.category IS NULL;

This query actually gets all those categories from product_categories table which are not present in store_product_categories.

Now I am really really confused how to build this is Laravel Eloq..

I did try this.

$exclusive_categories = Product_category::join('store_product_categories','store_product_categories.category_id','=','')

But this doesn't give me result


  • $exclusive_categories = Product_category::leftJoin('store_product_categories spc', function ($join) {
                $join->on('spc.category_id', '=', '');
                $join->on('spc.store_id', '=', \DB::raw(session('store_id')));