I am trying to monitor the files in my HDFS system.
Currently, the way I am doing it is very painful: fs -ls -R /river/entity/files;
This command output the result in the console log file. And then I need to copy/paste the result into a file to use it... which is not efficient at all. Using PIG, is there a simple way to output the result of the command directly into a file?
EDIT: Thx for the answers but I haven't been clear enough. Sorry ! I cannot use terminal. I execute only a pig script and I want my result in HDFS. Is it possible to do that only on hadoop side?
Yes you can ! In fact you can execute any shell command in your Pig script like this :
%declare dummy `hdfs dfs -ls -R /river/entity/files | hdfs dfs -put - hdfs://nn.example.com/hadoop/myfile.log`
But you should consider that Pig statements does not executed in the order that appear in your script !