I have now two blog sites.
A - blog.domain.com - created on Tumblr
B - domain.com/blog/ - created on Wordpress (which is on different server) and serving by nginx proxy on domain.com
I want to redirect all my posts from A to B, so I will move my subdomain to B server and setup redirects for old posts urls.
How can I do that well in nginx ?
I have a little different urls on new blog, so I can't do this dynamically for all(I have only 30-35 urls on the old blog so it could be done by manually line by line redirection).
I think that settings below will be ok
server {
server_name blog.domain.com;
location / {
return 301 http://domain.com/blog/;
location /posts/123456/my-first-post {
return 301 http://domain.com/blog/my-first-post-on-new-blog/;
Is this a good way to do that ?
Many thanks for help in this case.
You could put the list of URIs into a map:
map $uri $newuri {
default /blog/;
/posts/123456/my-first-post /blog/my-first-post-on-new-blog/;
/posts/another/post /blog/somewhere-on-new-blog/;
server {
server_name blog.domain.com;
return 301 http://domain.com$newuri;
See this document for details.