I am trying to send an image via the pChart 2.1.4 libary via mail. The library is used within my wordpress plugin.
I tried the following:
/* Create and populate the pData object */
$MyData = new pData();
for($i=0;$i<=30;$i++) { $MyData->addPoints(rand(1,15),"Probe 1"); }
$MyData->setSerieTicks("Probe 2",4);
/* Create the pChart object */
$myPicture = new pImage(700,230,$MyData);
/* Turn of Antialiasing */
$myPicture->Antialias = FALSE;
/* Add a border to the picture */
/* Define the chart area */
/* Draw the scale */
$scaleSettings = array("XMargin"=>10,"YMargin"=>10,"Floating"=>TRUE,"GridR"=>200,"GridG"=>200,"GridB"=>200, "DrawSubTicks"=>TRUE,"CycleBackground"=>TRUE);
/* Write the chart legend */
/* Turn on Antialiasing */
$myPicture->Antialias = TRUE;
/* Enable shadow computing */
/* Draw the area chart */
$Threshold = "";
$Threshold[] = array("Min"=>0,"Max"=>5,"R"=>207,"G"=>240,"B"=>20,"Alpha"=>70);
$Threshold[] = array("Min"=>5,"Max"=>10,"R"=>240,"G"=>232,"B"=>20,"Alpha"=>70);
$Threshold[] = array("Min"=>10,"Max"=>20,"R"=>240,"G"=>191,"B"=>20,"Alpha"=>70);
/* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
$today = date("Ymd");
$curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
$img_name = $today . $curr_user->user_login . ".png";
//create mail
<tr valign="top" align="center">
<img src='$img_name'>
<td width="25%" style="width:25%;" valign="top" align="center">
The image is rendered like the following:
<img src="https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/3y_3IDPObyXLCMINb1aKlZf3gh3yI9X3Co3OVv08MohNWIgv4eTR3bWw3KkcLQ=s0-d-e1-ft#http://20160727admin.png" class="CToWUd">
However, in the mail see the following displayed:
Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
Where is the image saved?
I appreciate your reply!
I know it is a bit late, but it will help others, doing the same mistake.
The OP is using
<img src='$img_name'>
That must be
<img src="$img_name">
Otherwise, it will place $img_name in img src, instead of value of $img_name; Plus, make sure image exist on that location.