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Jenkins Git integration - How to disable SSL certificate validation

I am getting the below error while creating a job from Jenkins. How do I disable certificate validation in Jenkins?

From Git Bash I can use git config --global http.sslVerify false command to disable it, but not sure how to use it from Jenkins.


Failed to connect to repository : Command "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe ls-remote -h url ofmy repository.git HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: unable to access 'url of my git/': SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain


  • Best option is to add the self-signed certificate to your certificate store

    Obtain the server certificate tree This can be done using chrome.

    1. Navigate to be server address. Click on the padlock icon and view the certificates. Export all of the certificate chain as base64 encoded files (PEM) format.

    2. Add the certificates to the trust chain of your GIT trust config file In Git bash on the the machine running the job run the following:

    "git config --list".

    find the http.sslcainfo configuration this shows where the certificate trust file is located.

    1. Copy all the certificates into the trust chain file including the "- -BEGIN- -" and the "- -END- -". Make sure you add the ROOT certificate Chain to the certificates file

    This should solve your issue with the self-signed certificates and using GIT.


    The other way is to remote into your slave and run the following:

    git config --global http.sslVerify false

    This will save into the global config that this instance never does SSL verification, this is NOT recommended, it should be used only when testing and then disabled again. It should be done properly as above.