I see documentation for appending to a list in Aerospike, from Python, namely:
key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
rec = {'coutry': 'India', 'city': ['Pune', 'Dehli']}
client.put(key, rec)
client.list_append(key, 'city', 'Mumbai')
However I don't know how to add elements to a map in Aerospike, from Python, and I also don't know how to define said map as sorted.
Essentially I am trying to model a time series as follows:
ticker1: {intepochtime1: some_number, intepochtime2: some_other_number,...}
ticker2: {intepochtime1: some_number, intepochtime2: some_other_number,...}
where the tickers are the record keys, so are indexed obviously, but also where the intepochtimes are integer JS-style integer timestamps and are also indexed by virtue of being stored in ascending or descending order and therefore easily range-queryable. How is this doable from Python?
Here is some sample code to get you started: Also on github: https://github.com/pygupta/aerospike-discuss/tree/master/stkovrflo_Py_SortedMaps
import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p
def print_result((key, metadata, record)):
config = { 'hosts': [ ("localhost", 3000), ] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
# Insert the records
key = ("test", "demo", 'km1')
client.map_set_policy(key, "mymap", map_policy)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '0', 13)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '1', 3)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '2', 7)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '3', 2)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '4', 12)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '5', 33)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '6', 1)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '7', 12)
client.map_put(key, "mymap", '8', 22)
# Query for sorted value
print "Sorted by values, 2 - 14"
ret_val = client.map_get_by_value_range(key, "mymap", 2, 14, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE)
print ret_val
#get first 3 indexes
print "Index 0 - 3"
ret_val2 = client.map_get_by_index_range(key, "mymap", 0, 3, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE)
print ret_val2
pgupta@ubuntu:~/discussRepo/aerospike-discuss/stkovrflo_Py_SortedMaps$ python sortedMapExample.py
Sorted by values, 2 - 14
[2, 3, 7, 12, 12, 13]
Index 0 - 3
[13, 3, 7]