The man pages for select() do not list EAGAIN as possible error code for the select() function.
Can anyone explain in which cases the select() can produce EAGAIN error?
If I understand select_tut man page, EAGAIN can be produced by sending a signal to the process which is blocked waiting on blocked select(). Is this correct?
Since I am using select() in blocking mode with timeout, like this:
bool selectRepeat = true;
int res = 0;
timeval selectTimeout( timeout );
while ( true == selectRepeat )
res = ::select( fd.Get() + 1,
&selectTimeout );
selectRepeat = ( ( -1 == res ) && ( EINTR == errno ) );
should I just repeat the loop when the error number is EAGAIN?
will not return EAGAIN
under any circumstance.
It may, however, return EINTR
if interrupted by a signal (This applies to most system calls).
) may be returned from read
, write
, recv
, send
, etc.