Is there a way to create a variable at the top of template helpers to remove duplication.
In this particular situation I'm using var candidate = FlowRouter.getParam('id');
and I have to create the variable in each helper. I assume there is a better way.
professionalOverview: function() {
var candidate = FlowRouter.getParam('id');
return ProfessionalOverview.findOne({ candidateUserId: candidate });
candidateImg: function() {
var candidateUserId = FlowRouter.getParam('id');
return Files.findOne({ userId: candidateUserId });
Template.talentProfileNew.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
this.candidateUserId = new ReactiveVar(FlowRouter.getParam('id'));
candidate: function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Template.instance().candidateUserId.get()});
you could read it once in onCreated() and put it in a reactive var. e.g.
Template.Foo.onCreated(function() {
this.candidateUserId = new ReactiveVar(FlowRouter.getParam('id'));
candidateImg() {
return ProfessionalOverview.findOne({ userId: Template.instance().candidateUserId.get()});