My date format is: "yyyy-MM-dd" (2017-03-23)
My time format is: "hh:mm a" (10:15 pm)
If in MYSQL you can perform this to convert time with am/pm:
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(timeField,'%h.%i%p');
How can you perform this in SQLITE?
I tried this but didn't work:
SELECT appointment_date, start_time FROM appointment order by appointment_date, DATE(start_time, '%h:%i %p')
Result: Image Link
Supposedly AM should be first than PM because the default is ASC, I tried using DESC as well but it didn't properly arranged the result.
You seem to be storing the start_time()
value in a string.
You can do:
order by appointment_date,
(case when start_time like '% am' then 1 else 2 end),
SQLite doesn't really support am/pm in date/time formats. But, this is easy enough to accomplish with like