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Return unique non-digit values in a Python list containing various data types

I have a list in the following form:

full_list = [1, 2, 5, "string", False, True]

I want to return a list containing only the non-digit values, like this:

new_list = ["string", False, True]

My initial thought is to use the isdigit() method, but that only works for strings. I could cast each item in the list as a string, and then call isdigit(), but

new_list = [i for i in full_list if not str(i).isdigit()]

feels like a longwinded workaround. The solution posted here sort-of works, but will remove the boolean values from the final list. Is there a more elegant/simplistic way of accomplishing this?


  • Assuming

    • you want to discard integers (1, 2, 3) but not strings that represent integers ('1', '2', '3')

    • you want each element to be unique in the result (what your title suggests)

    • the order does not matter

    You could use sets. And use Number as the class to check, plus check bool as well because True/False are Number instances as well.

    from numbers import Number
    full_list = [1, 2, 5, "string", False, True]
    set(full_list) - set(
        i in full_list if isinstance(i, Number) and not isinstance(i, bool))

    Number covers floats as well. Your example only has integers but you didn't mention explicitly that all numbers should be integers.