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JSON style declaration for day-mode Android Maps API

When styling Google Maps views, does anyone know what the JSON style declaration for the day mode is? I've searched many areas online but can't find it.

JSON style declaration for day-mode


JSON style declaration for night-mode

<string name="style_json">
      \"featureType\": \"all\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#242f3e\"
      \"featureType\": \"all\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.stroke\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"lightness\": -80
      \"featureType\": \"administrative\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#746855\"
      \"featureType\": \"administrative.locality\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#d59563\"
      \"featureType\": \"poi\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#d59563\"
      \"featureType\": \"poi.park\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#263c3f\"
      \"featureType\": \"poi.park\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#6b9a76\"
      \"featureType\": \"road\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#2b3544\"
      \"featureType\": \"road\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#9ca5b3\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.arterial\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#38414e\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.arterial\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.stroke\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#212a37\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.highway\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#746855\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.highway\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.stroke\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#1f2835\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.highway\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#f3d19c\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.local\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#38414e\"
      \"featureType\": \"road.local\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry.stroke\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#212a37\"
      \"featureType\": \"transit\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#2f3948\"
      \"featureType\": \"transit.station\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#d59563\"
      \"featureType\": \"water\",
      \"elementType\": \"geometry\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#17263c\"
      \"featureType\": \"water\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.fill\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"color\": \"#515c6d\"
      \"featureType\": \"water\",
      \"elementType\": \"labels.text.stroke\",
      \"stylers\": [
          \"lightness\": -20

Android Maps day-mode

enter image description here

Android Maps night-mode

enter image description here


  • MapView not returning to normal state after clicking toggle switch

    The map needs to be set to null in order to clear and previous styling

    Set to null to clear any previous custom styling.

            public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
                    boolean success = mGoogleMap.setMapStyle(new MapStyleOptions(getResources()
                    if (!success) {
                        Log.e("TabFragmentMap", "Style parsing failed.");
                } else {
                    boolean success = mGoogleMap.setMapStyle(null);
                    if (!success) {
                        Log.e("TabFragmentMap", "Removing style failed.");