Unfamiliar with all the details of domain driven design, would it make sense in a microservice architecture to think of each service as it's own domain and in turn build an event store per service?
Not totally sure what the trade-offs might be from a single monolithic event store for the entire system. For example, more difficulty replaying conditions in the system or debugging cross service dependencies.
The key thing is to have an unambiguous single owner - i.e. if you share a store, that's fine, as long as only one service ever uses a given set of streams.
In NEventStore v5+ for example, this is codified in having a "bucket" be a subdivision within a store - each service gets an isolated set of state that way. Or one might do the same via multiple SCHEMAs in a SQL SB.
There are of course lots of good reasons to separate to the max too
It should be said that this concern is a general constraint in line with the autonomy tenet of microservices (and SOA before it)