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.htaccess rewriting URL to add a character to a URL

I'm doing this to fix an error with my AMP pages. I'm using the Automatic AMP plugin, and this plugin lets you access the AMP pages using 2 different methods


Using the AMP Page validator ( I see that all AMP pages using just /amp/ get multiple errors, while /?amp is validated correctly.

Unfortunately, Google is checking /amp/ for all my pages, hence I'm getting tons of errors.

What I'd like to know is how to use the .htaccess redirect rule to add the ? to the AMP queries so all /amp/ requests are redirected (with a 301) to /?amp/

I'd appreciate suggestions on this. Thank you


  • Something like this:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/amp/$ /$1?amp [R=301,L]

    This will redirect any URL ending in /amp/ to the same but with ?amp instead, which seems to be what you want. To go in your root .htaccess file.