I know the title sounds a little weird, but of course this is just an analogy to what I actually need.
So, lets assume I have a tree like this:
┣━━ B
┃ ┣━━ D
┃ ┣━━ E
┃ ┃ ┗━━ H
┃ ┗━━ F
┃ ┗━━ I
┗━━ C
┗━━ G
with one of the leaves (or branches) infected with some disease.
Traversing the tree will infect all the 'opened' branches/leaves at the traversal time, but not newly opened ones. Lets assume that branch E
is infected - traversing the tree yield infected F
and C
branches, since they already 'opened' in this iteration, but not I
and G
The python code I have so far is (infection_test.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import chain
class Node():
def __init__(self, name, infected=False):
self.name = name
self.children = []
self.infected = infected
def __str__(self):
return 'Node ' + self.name + (' *** INFECTED ***' if self.infected else '')
A = Node('A');B = Node('B');C = Node('C')
D = Node('D');E = Node('E', True);F = Node('F');
G = Node('G');H = Node('H');I = Node('I');
A.children = [B, C]
B.children = [D, E, F]
E.children = [H]
F.children = [I]
C.children = [G]
def traverse_tree(node, level=0):
print (' '*level, node)
level += 1
infected_found = False
for child in node.children:
if child.infected:
infected_found = True
traverse_tree(child, level)
child.infected = infected_found
print('First traversal:')
print('\nAfter Infection:')
Which outputs:
First traversal:
Node A
Node B
Node D
Node E *** INFECTED ***
Node H
Node F
Node I
Node C
Node G
After Infection:
Node A
Node B
Node D
Node E *** INFECTED ***
Node H
Node F *** INFECTED ***
Node I
Node C
Node G
How can I make 'higher level' branches (like C
) to be infected, without influence on the next iterations of traverse_tree
(I hope that 'opened branches' is clear enough, but just to make sure it is - those are the branches that yields from the for child
loop already, when the infected branch discovered)
OK, so I found a solution, but I think I'll still wait for a better one.
I just edited the original Node
and added the p_infected
attribute. This will help me to mark all the branches that I need to infect later on. As soon as I found some infected branch - it infects all of his parents up to the root. Then, I traverse the tree, infect back the children of those branches, and remove the 'parent infection'.
The current code look like this:
from itertools import chain
class Node():
def __init__(self, name, infected=False, p_infected=False):
self.parent = None
self.p_infected = p_infected
def add_children(self, childs = []):
for node in childs:
node.parent = self
def __str__(self):
return 'Node ' + self.name + \
(' ***INFECTED***' if self.infected else '') + \
(' ***P_INFECTED***' if self.p_infected else '')
A = Node('A');B = Node('B');C = Node('C')
D = Node('D',True);E = Node('E');F = Node('F');
G = Node('G');H = Node('H');I = Node('I');
B.add_children([C, D, F])
def infect_parent(node):
if node.parent:
node.parent.p_infected = True
def traverse_tree(node, level=0):
print (' '*level + str(node))
if node.infected:
node.p_infected = True
level += 1
for child in node.children:
traverse_tree(child, level)
def infect_children(node):
infect_flag = False
for child in node.children:
if infect_flag:
child.infected = True
infect_flag = child.p_infected
def remove_parent_infection(node):
node.p_infected = False
for child in node.children:
print('First travesal:')
print('\nAfter infection:')
And the output, as desired:
First travesal:
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D ***INFECTED***
Node E
Node F
Node G
Node H
Node I
After infection:
Node A
Node B
Node C
Node D ***INFECTED***
Node E
Node F ***INFECTED***
Node G
Node H ***INFECTED***
Node I
But, as I wrote before, I'm still open to a better solution. I have a hunch that the above could be done with just the original 'traversal' function, and if someone could find how - I'll be happy..