Is there a way that I can connect a function to a progress bar object?
$buttonAdd_Click = {
This is my button object. The variable `$loadingbar is my progess-bar object.
This is my create function:
function create()
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$UserList = Import-Csv -Path $txt_csv.Text -Delimiter ";" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UPN
<# ------- CREATE USERS ------- #>
foreach ($User in $UserList)
$OU = $User.path
$UPN = $User.UPN
$Password = $User.password
$Detailedname = $User.firstname + " " + $User.Lastname
$UserFirstname = $User.Firstname
$FirstLetterFirstname = $UserFirstname.substring(0, 1)
$SAM = $User.UPN
$Company = $
$Description = $User.description
$AccountExpirationDate = $User.accountexpirationdate
$params = @{
'Name' = $Detailedname;
'SamAccountName' = $SAM;
'UserPrincipalName' = $UPN + '';
'DisplayName' = $Detailedname;
'GivenName' = $UserFirstname;
'Surname' = $User.Lastname;
'AccountPassword' = (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force);
'Enabled' = $True;
'PasswordNeverExpires' = $True;
'Path' = $OU;
'Company' = $Company;
'Description' = $Description;
'AccountExpirationDate' = $AccountExpirationDate
New-ADUser @params
The question: when I click on the button I want to see the progess of the create function into the loading bar. How can I do that?
Another question: what is the different between progessbar and progress baroverlay in Powershell studio?
I just had work around. I used just hard-coded values to see my loading bar working. For example in the at the begin of the method I use $loadingbar.value = 50;
and at the end I used $loadingbar.value = 100;
. A little bit dirty code, but the owner was satisfied.