I have 2 codes that do almost the same thing.
code 1:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
m = 1
gamma = 1
lam = 1
alpha = 1
step_num = 2 ** 16
dt = 0.02
def E_and_x(x0):
xi = x0
vi = 0
f = 0
xsum = 0
Ei, xavg = 0, 0
for i in range(step_num):
vi += f / m * dt / 2
xi += vi * dt
f = - gamma * xi - lam * xi ** 2 - alpha * xi ** 3
vi += f / m * dt / 2
Ei = 1 / 2 * m * vi ** 2 + 1 / 2 * gamma * xi ** 2 + \
1 / 3 * lam * xi ** 3 + 1 / 4 * alpha * xi ** 4
xsum += xi
xavg = xsum / (i + 1)
return Ei, xavg
E, x = [], []
for x0 in np.linspace(0, 1, 40):
mdresult = E_and_x(x0)
code 2:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
time = 50
niter = 2 ** 16 # number of iterations
t = np.linspace(0, time, num=niter, endpoint=True)
class MolecularDynamics(object):
def __init__(self, time, niter, initial_pos):
self.position = np.array([])
self.velocity = np.array([])
self.energy = np.array([])
self.x_average = np.array([])
self.vel = 0 # intermediate variable
self.force = 0 # intermediate variable
self.e = 0 # intermediate energy
self.initial_pos = initial_pos # initial position
self.pos = self.initial_pos
self.time = time
self.niter = niter
self.time_step = self.time / self.niter
self.mass = 1
self.k = 1 # stiffness coefficient
self.lamb = 1 # lambda
self.alpha = 1 # quartic coefficient
def iter(self):
for i in np.arange(niter):
# step 1 of leap frog
self.vel += self.time_step / 2.0 * self.force / self.mass
self.pos += self.time_step * self.vel
# step 2 of leap frog
self.force = - self.k * self.pos - self.lamb * self.pos ** 2 - self.alpha * self.pos ** 3
self.vel += self.time_step / 2.0 * self.force / self.mass
# calculate energy
self.e = 1 / 2 * self.mass * self.vel ** 2 + \
1 / 2 * self.k * self.pos ** 2 + \
1 / 3 * self.lamb * self.pos ** 3 + \
1 / 4 * self.alpha * self.pos ** 4
self.velocity = np.append(self.velocity, [self.vel]) # record vel after 1 time step
self.position = np.append(self.position, self.pos) # record pos after 1 time step
self.energy = np.append(self.energy, [self.e]) # record e after 1 time step
self.x_average = np.append(self.x_average, np.sum(self.position) / (i + 1))
mds = [MolecularDynamics(time, niter, xx) for xx in np.linspace(0, 1, num=40)]
[md.iter() for md in mds] # loop to change value
mds_x_avg = [md.x_average[-1] for md in mds]
mds_e = [md.e for md in mds]
Well, the main difference is code 2 uses OO, Numpy and JIT. However, code 2 is much much slower than code 1 (it takes many minutes to compute).
In [1]: %timeit code_1
10000000 loops, best of 3: 25.7 ns per loop
By profiling I know the bottleneck is iter()
function and more specifically, on append
and sum
. But using Numpy is as far as I can do,
I wonder why code 2 is much more slower and how can I speed it up?
In addition to what MSeifert said, you can preallocate the arrays to the correct size instead of appending to them. So instead of creating them like this:
self.position = np.array([]) # No
you would write:
self.position = np.zeros(niter) # Yes
Then instead of appending like this:
self.velocity = np.append(self.velocity, [self.vel])
you would fill in like this:
self.velocity[i] = self.vel
This avoids reallocating the arrays at each iteration (You can do exactly the same with raw python lists BTW using array = [someValue]*size
I went on wondering about vectorizability of the OP's algorithm. It seems that it isn't vectorizable. To quote the Cornell Virtual Workshop :
Read after write ("flow") dependency. This kind of dependency is not vectorizable. It occurs when the values of variables in a particular loop iteration (the "read") are determined by a previous loop iteration (the "write").
The "flow" dependency is seen in the loop, where several members' values are determined by the previous state of that same member. For example:
self.vel += self.time_step / 2.0 * self.force / self.mass
Here, self.force
is from the previous iteration and was computed from the previous self.vel