My project was build on GMONGO framework and all the domains were created with attribute id as a string.So grail frame work will create mongodb collections with _id attribute when application is app. In UI there was a limitation to retrive _id.So in service "_id" is rewrite to "id" to overcome the issue. Could we created collections with "id" by default rather than "_id"?
No you cant. Mongo will automaticaly create _id if you dont specify any.
In your case you can add index
to id
field, and when run queries just add projection to exclude _id.
So you will have something like this in data
{_id: mongoDbID, id: yourId, ...}
And run query like this
collection.find({id: yourId}).project({_id: 0}).toArray();
You will get this as an result
{id: yourId, ...}
Hope this helps.