I wanted to read the short binaries from an external file with the key.
3 A 0100 3 E 0101 3 G 0110 3 M 0111 3 N 1010 3 H 1011 2 S 100 1 T 00 2 10 2 I 111
3 is in an int called pos
A is in a char called al
0100 is in an array called bin etc...
Open your file, read the file data line by line and extract what you need from the line.
std::string line;
ifstream read;
//open data files
cout << "File ./" << file_name << " is open.\n";
else {
cout << "Error opening " << file_name << ".\n";
while (std::getline(read, line))
// line =3 A 0100 3 E 0101 3 G 0110 3 ...
std::istringstream iss (std::move(line));
std::string val_str, al, bin;
while(! iss.str().empty())
int val= std::stoi(val_str); //val = 3 in the first run of the while loop
iss >> al; //al = A in the first run of the while loop
iss >> bin
// you can use val, al ,bin