Can number of resolution levels be different for different components in a single jp2 image?
For example,
maxlevel = 5 for component 1
maxlevel = 7 for component 2
mexlevel = 5 for component 3
maxlevel = 5 for component 4
Correct me if any.
Yes, you can specify a different number of wavelet decomposition levels for each component (in fact, for each tile-component). Of course, the number of wavelet decomposition levels is also the number of resolution levels available.
If you are using the Kakadu implementation (, the parameters would look something like
Clevels:C0=5 Clevels:C1=7 Clevels:C2=5 Clevels:C3=5
In fact, you can omit everything except Clevels:C1=7
, because 5 levels are applied by default.
If you use another JPEG2000 implementation, then you will need to see whether this option is available.
(Edited answering comments): In general, using more than 5 decomposition levels will not give you any extra functionality or coding performance. Roughly explained, the first level divides the image into 4 approximately equal parts. The second level takes the top left quarter and divides it into 4 parts, and so on. Each resolution level besides the original image has the same size as one of this top-left corners, at the first, second or n-th level. Because of this: